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Facebook encourages users to search for website vulnerability has been award $ 40,000
2011-08-30 21:35:21 Hits:

Facebook Web site to encourage volunteers to help find vulnerabilities, recent plans to launch a "find abug to win prizes" activities

SAN FRANCISCO, August 30 morning news, Facebook said Monday, the site has been to find loopholes to help volunteers pay more than $ 40,000 in prize money and reward their contribution for Facebook.

Three weeks ago, Facebook launched a "find bug to win prizes" campaign to encourage volunteersproficient in web technology to find loopholes in the Facebook site. The company on Mondayannounced the success of activities, from security researchers around the world have been mobilizedto help improve site security Facebook.

Facebook in a blog article said: "We recognize that many security experts, and establish relationships, but this event allows us to 16 countries around the world many people engage in dialogue, from Turkey to Poland, the Internet security technology enthusiasts to participate. "

In recent years, technology companies began to pay bonuses to hackers, to encourage them to quietlyreport their discovery of the vulnerability, rather than in the public domain, to be used by unscrupulous elements. Google and Mozilla have been carried out activities with prizes like Facebook.

Each volunteer found a bug, Facebook will pay $ 500 or more in prize money. The company said ahacker discovered a major flaw, get $ 5,000 bonus; another developer found six vulnerabilities, won a total of $ 7,000.

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